Top 10k strings from Lightmare (1989)(Zenobi Software).z80
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5 "You don't have it.": 3 m$(wpos,b, 3 carry=carry+ 3 " ";o$(a): 2 carry=carry- 2 SCO=SCO+15 2 CARRY=CARRY-2 2 "You land with a bump on the 2 "You land painfully...": 2 "You don't have a key!": 2 "To no avail.": 2 "The window is closed.": 2 "That is "; 2 "Please enter the file name with no more than ten characters."' 2 "Nothing can be taken.": 2 "No more than ten characters!": 2 "It's locked.": 2 "It's already open.": 2 "It's already closed.": 2 other side...": 1 w$(wpos,b)=a$ 1 u^UWUW\jWnU{UzU 1 time=time+ 1 sco=sco+25 1 i$=i$+"GO WEST": 1 i$=i$+"GO SOUTH": 1 i$=i$+"GO NORTH": 1 i$=i$+"GO EAST": 1 i$=" "+i$+" " 1 g$="west,": 1 g$="south,": 1 g$="north,": 1 g$="east,": 1 g$="down,": 1 a$=" ": 1 Your trusty bludgeonA faded blanket 1 SCO=SCO+20 1 SCO=SCO+10 1 CARRY=CARRY-240 1 ;" the spell, normally this is 1 . it's a Barrow-Wight!" 1 'FOBABAzAU_w 1 '"You can go "; 1 '"Total weight = ";carry;" ounce.";: 1 '"Press any key..." 1 '" This potion will nullify the downward pull of gravity."'" Mix 1 oz of dried bats blood with a pint of goats milk. Add a pinch of salt to taste.": 1 '" actual fact the potion can only be consumed when the user has the correct focus for" 1 $ run rat rockrubyreadroadrug raft 1 "you emerge into the sunlight on a precipice overlooking a pine forest." 1 "Your search reveals a gold coin.": 1 "Your jump was unsuccessful.": 1 "Your examination reveals nothingof interest.": 1 "Your burden is too great.": 1 "Your blow does no damage.": 1 "You've already got it!": 1 "You see nothing special.": 1 "You see a dark shadow animating ancient armour and ornate 1 "You pick up," 1 "You pick it up"; 1 "You need to pick it up first.": 1 "You need the help of your 1 "You drop," 1 "You drop it.": 1 "You don't have it with you.": 1 "You can't unlock that.": 1 "You can't take that!": 1 "You can't take that yet.": 1 "You can't squeeze through.": 1 "You can't open it.": 1 "You can't lock that.": 1 "You can't go that way yet.": 1 "You can't close it.": 1 "You can't climb that yet!": 1 "You can also see..." 1 "You are unable to enter the 1 "You are unable to decipher the meaning of the symbols.": 1 "You are carrying..." 1 "You are carrying nothing.": 1 "You are carrying nothing!" 1 "You are beset by wolves. 1 "What direction?": 1 "Unlock what?": 1 "Time passes...": 1 "There is nothing to drink here.": 1 "There is nothing special about it.": 1 "There is an open window here." 1 "There is a sudden noise at your feet - you look done, but see nothing in the gloom. Your 1 "There is a gully to the north inthe hills. Meet me there soon and we will activate all its power!""" 1 "There is a closed window here." 1 "There is a beautiful young womanhere." 1 "The young woman leaves." 1 "The wooden floor is rotten 1 "The wooden floor is damp and rotten.": 1 "The wight wails then lunges at your cowering body. The last thing you hear is the ripping ofyour own flesh.": 1 "The unconscious body of the 1 "The trapdoor slams shut emittinga cloud of gritty dust.": 1 "The smouldering remains of the Inn are to the north." 1 "The slobbering jaws of a large wolf close on your throat. Its claws ripping at your chest...": 1 "The skull has the word VILE on it in dark red letters.": 1 "The sharp rocks and loose earth prove to great a challenge for you.": 1 "The ruby is engulfed in flame. You hear a long moaning wail from above." 1 "The roof caves in, you are 1 "The potion tastes horrid - some what like goats milk and bats blood. You discard the empty vial.": 1 "The parchment reads..."' 1 "The man at the bar says softly, @Ok you, take it - it's not 1 "The lantern flickers then goes out." 1 "The key does not fit.": 1 "The innkeepers daughter smiles at you, ""We now have something which may help you, for this jewel is of elvish origin and will vanquish evil." 1 "The innkeepers daughter leaves." 1 "The innkeepers daughter is here.She will help you on your quest.Well done! You have successfullycompleted the first part of 1 "The innkeepers daughter is here." 1 "The innkeeper approaches you, ""You owe me a gold coin and a copper coin for your night's lodgings. You won't find me as benevolent as my daughter.""" 1 "The girl screams and slumps to the ground. The innkeeper 1 "The gate is secured with a 1 "The gargoyle's stare numbs you, a cold fear washes over your body. You cannot pass through the arch.": 1 "The entrance is blocked.": 1 "The darkness is complete.": 1 "The corpse is clothed in a blackshawl. Its toothless grin mocks you.": 1 "The charred remains of a chest are here." 1 "The cave is filled with earth." 1 "The cave entrance to the east is blocked." 1 "The bludgeon is quite small as clubs go. Blood stains and goat hairs decorate it, reminding youof its previous use.": 1 "The blacksmith has already been hit.": 1 "The blacksmith crumples 1 "The Inn is burning."': 1 "Take what?": 1 "Sorry, no clues here!" 1 "Someone walks past the door 1 "So far you have scored ";sco'"out of a possible 165." 1 "She remarks that you do not havethe jewel with you, then sits down to wait.": 1 "She offers to let you sleep heretonight, on the floor, and you gladly accept."'"In the morning you awake 1 "She leads you through a small door hidden in the tall grass. Crawling after her through a wettunnel for some time," 1 "She gives you a light kiss 1 "Saving..." 1 "Save successful." 1 "Revealing a tunnel north." 1 "Revealing a tunnel down." 1 "Revealing a small vial of 1 "Push what?": 1 "Pull what?": 1 "Perhaps later, but not just now.": 1 "Open what?": 1 "Only those bearing a token of evil may pass.": 1 "My daughter has befriended you it seems!"" the innkeeper laughs," 1 "Lock what?": 1 "Loading...": 1 "Load successful": 1 "Its already closed (and locked).": 1 "It's too dark down there.": 1 "It's not here.": 1 "It's not here!": 1 "It's locked from outside!": 1 "It's cold but refreshing.": 1 "It's already unlocked.": 1 "It's already locked.": 1 "It won't open! It is too heavy to open from below.": 1 "It won't budge!": 1 "It unlocks." 1 "It tastes disgusting but then you begin to feel the uplifting effect of the spell.": 1 "It snaps shut.": 1 "It slams shut.": 1 "It reveals darkness below.": 1 "It opens with a rasping groan.": 1 "It opens easily.": 1 "It locks.": 1 "It is carved in the shape of a paw.": 1 "It is bright crimson red with a faded design just visible on it.One of a white stallion jumping over tall ramparts.": 1 "It is a brilliant sparkling red and has an engraving of a flame on one facet.": 1 "I fear for her, guard her well lad!""" 1 "Hit what?": 1 "HIJKLMNO" 1 "For I am the one sent to meet you - alas the captain that was sent before was slain. But come now, we part in good spirits even though great darkness 1 "Eughh! That tastes revolting!" 1 "Earth and stones fall from the roof.": 1 "Drop what?": 1 "Drink what?": 1 "Close what?": 1 "Climb what?": 1 "At the end of your adventure youhave scored ";SCO;" out of a"'"possible 165." 1 "As you glance through the book you notice a page reading...": 1 "An elf jewel into fire will 1 "A open, dusty trapdoor is here leading "; 1 "A man at the bar shouts across. @Hey you! Leave that book alone.We've got enough thieves in thisvillage without you! @"'"You drop it.": 1 "A landslide blocks the north endof the gully." 1 "A huge shadow looms up before you 1 "A coal from the fire falls from the hearth setting light to the wooden floor. The room is 1 "A closed dusty trapdoor is here." 1 "@Not that way! @ bellows the smith, @This way! @ and he kicksyou out into the alley.": 1 "@ABCDEFG": 1 "89:;<=>?": 1 "6";L$(LOC)( 1 "58400"+(( 1 "5","0","16","254","0","27","1","0","21","127","0","33","2","0","17","210","0","31","130","0","14","2","0","8" 1 "4";L$(LOC)( 1 "34";"#$%&'": 1 "25")="1": 1 "24")="1": 1 "24")=" ": 1 "23606",add-(( 1 "20","0","99","12","0","4","6","0","4","1","0","0","255","0","5","31","0","7","15","0","39","2","0","0","5","0","20","240","0","27","11","0","35","250","0","11","15","0","0","1","0","12" 1 "1";"{|}"'"~"; 1 "1";"CAUTION"; 1 "01234567": 1 "0";L$(LOC)( 1 "0";" : Pressing BREAK will 1 "()*+,-./": 1 "'Hold out the jewel - Ah - see how it glitters so! The elvish virtue has been rekindled in themorning light my friend. But beauty alone will not aid you, go forth with a strong heart andremember this - I will always bethere to guide you." 1 "'Get up here with that water! ' shouts the innkeeper as you 1 """You did not heed a word I said,did you? Well your too late now,goodbye!""": 1 """Thanks for knocking! But never mind, I know why you came and I want to help. But first do something for me, a ruby - find it please.""": 1 """Just where do you think you aregoing with that anvil?""": 1 """Indeed she did beg me to tell you to make all speed to that evil castle." 1 """I see you have the money to payfor your night's lodgings. Thankyou sir, I thought you would never come back!" 1 """I don't know what your playing at, but if you don't get that jewel soon the whole quest will be in vain!""": 1 """Get out!"" shouts the smith 1 """Fetch some water! "" shouts the innkeeper as he and some other men fight the fire.": 1 " with some effort"; 1 ! pullpushpit parcpuncpasspenn 1 worth much anyway.@" 1 with the scent of rotten 1 window looks out into an alley. T he room is small and sparsely furnished with a neat bed anda simple chest of drawers. The room is warm from the blaze on the hearth, the soft light bathsthe room in an orange glow. 1 wild lands. Tall, jagged 1 wide ring of trees in a thickevergreen forest. The ground is thick with snow and many large paw prints. A howl echoes in thechill air, not far away. 1 walls are smooth brown sand- stone, a layer of sand carpets the floor with mounds of dried leaves blown against the far wall. 1 vegetables and damp mould. Waterdrips from the roof into puddleson the floor among bulging sacksand heavy crates. 1 vaulted door leads outside. 1 vanquish the evil!": 1 under the icicle laden branches of overhanging trees. A dark, ominous looking cave is to the west in a crumbling earth bank. Y ou are on a grassy knoll 1 unconscious to the ground.": 1 trickles down on you from above. I n a shaded little hollow. A 1 timbers.": 1 threatens, farewell!'" 1 the snow laden pines above. You stand on the southern edge of a frozen lake. A wooden walk way to the north leads out to a dark castle on a small island. D eep in a mossy birch wood, 1 the smithy. A hot furnace attracts many animals keeping warm in the frosty chill. A widedoor leads west to the stables, to the south is a dark alley. T his is a strange room full of stained leather parchments. Shelves line the walls sagging under the weight of countless dusty tomes. A wide door leads into an alley to the north. 1 the air is cold and dank. A weathered sign points west to a muddy path leading to Delvhorn. To the south is a small clearingamong snow covered boulders. 1 strong lock.": 1 stone cottage. Smoke bellows from three openings in the roof above. To the east is a growth of tangled holly bushes, their dark shiny leaves glistening. Y ou are journeying through 1 sternly, ""I'm busy.""" 1 stands closed to the north. 1 soutscors savesmitstonsearsymbskulstattaketraptali treetunntorctombtablthroup u unlo 1 smithy is to the north, the hot furnace casts a ruddy macabre glow into the alley. 1 small village of Delvhorn. Across the road to the north is an inn and west is the entrance to a dark alley. A lane leads east into a mossy birch wood. T he Pig & Platter; a welcoming warm glow diffuses in the smoky atmosphere inside. Some men are drinking merrily from foaming flagons around some oak tables. A wide stair leads up. A phosphorescent glow glistens on the smooth wet cave walls around you. The steady dripping of water echoes amonst the long stalectites in the darkness far above. 1 slimy tunnel. Rats scurry across your path and webs cling to your face. The wooden roof supports look rotten, earth 1 sheets and wooden boxes. The window looks out over a range ofwild, craggy hills. 1 room below the cottage. Hay reeks decay from somewhere in the darkness. Water drips down the slimy stone walls into 1 riveted door leads down to the cellar,to the east a wide 1 remains of the Inn": 1 refreshed and ready for another day. The innkeepers daughter ushers you out of her room for an early start.": 1 quickly engulfed in flame.": 1 puddles on the ground. 1 place for mortal man to tread. B efore you is a tall stone 1 overlooking a frozen lake. There is a stone henge here. The rocks are granite and inlaidwith curious symbols. Down in the valley below is Delvhorn. T he cave is quite cramped but warm and dry. Knotted tree roots protrude from the earth roof. Pebbles, bones and dried vegetation lie scattered on the floor. 1 outside and locks it.": 1 object is gone!": 1 narrow muddy trail leads east. 1 mossy lawn lined with pruned shrubs and pear trees. To the south is a tangled mass of hollybushes and a tall iron gate 1 marked PRIVATE. 1 lit storeroom. Shelves are laden with stacks of linen 1 liquid.": 1 leavlantloadlookl locklakelandliquladyman monsmen 1 killknif kitckilnkey 1 jumpjewejett 1 jewelry.": 1 inveit ice i inn innkin 1 hurry up the stairs. Eventually,thanks to the your courage and help from the other men, the flames are put out.": 1 get go gategirlgoldgrougrasgorggullgarghelphinthit horshenghoushearholl 1 foun fighfloofurnflam 1 far as you can see. It is cold, wet and utterly silent. An eerie presence prevails, theecho of your breath disturbs thelurking shadows nearby. 1 crushed under the burning 1 crash the computer!" 1 crags are outlined black againstthe pale grey sky. Heather and stunted, thorny bushes line a twisting path going northwards. A pungent odour fills the room from a copper pot steaming above the hearth. A small 1 covered in a deep layer of moss and tall clumps of reeds. A 1 courtyard in which there is afountain gurgling water. A tall iron gate stands proudly in the south and a darkened alley leadsoff to the east. 1 contact.": 1 bubbling stream flows by 1 bludblanbonebookbridbuckbushblacbarr carrcorpclimcloscoinclifcastcoppcratchesdropdownd drin daggdoor daug eastend exame evereart 1 blacksmith is here." 1 beside the trap door, it gives way beneath your weight and you land with a bump in the darknessbelow.": 1 before she heads of into the trees." 1 arrives with five burly men - you are taken away in chains to be tried for murder!": 1 arch. Ivy and moss shroud thecold granite, partially hiding acarved gargoyle set in the key- stone. East, through the arch isa bleak craggy hill. 1 anviascearch 1 and windy. The mossy grass isfrozen and a white crispy frost lies everywhere. A large mound of turf has a small stone door in it leading down. 1 ancient burial place of kingsfrom long ago. The small under- ground room you are in is dark and stale. A large stone tomb lies embedded in the floor. 1 amongst tangled holly bushes.Beside you is a stone bird bath,the water in it is frozen solid.To the west you can see a large cottage. 1 a pentangle or even an old 1 Y ou are on narrow ledge, high up a vertical clff. Before you, the wild hills and crags surrounding Delvhorn. All is covered in snow except the dark patches of pine and birch. 1 Y ou are on a winding path in a tangle of tall holly bushes. Through the leaves, to the west you can see a large cottage. Looking north, the path leads deeper into the bushes. 1 Y ou are on a winding path in a maze of holly bushes. To the north you can see a long lawn and a closed iron gate. To the south is a small clearing and tothe west is a windng path. 1 Y ou are on a small hump-backed bridge. Lichen and moss grow thickly over the ancient stones.The bridge spans a deep gorge and a narrow thundering river. Ice cold spray wafts upwards. Y ou are in the centre of a 1 Y ou are lost in a tangled mass of holly bushes. To the west through the leaves you can see awell built cottage and to the east a long lawn is visible. To the south is a winding path. 1 Y ou are inside a small dimly 1 Y ou are inside a barrow - an 1 Y ou are in small underground 1 Y ou are in a small shaded 1 Y ou are in a small clearing 1 Y ou are in a deep wooded gully by a large sprawling willow tree. The marshy ground is 1 Y ou are in a dark narrow alley way behind the inn and a low building to the south. The 1 Y ou are crouched in a damp 1 Y ou are by the old ruins of a cottage. Its green door, now faded and cracked, hangs on its hinges swinging in the icy air. The windows are but dark hollowsin the crumbling stone walls. I nside the cottage. It is dim, a sliver of light shines froma hole in the roof above. The floor is littered with refuse cast away by passing vagrants. To the north leads outside. 1 T his room is quite small with the rafters only just above head height. There is a tidy bedwith a simple chest of drawers and a jug of water. A dirty 1 T his is small dry cave. The 1 T his is a small balcony over- looking the tables below. There are three doors here and awooden stair leading down. The smaller door to the east is 1 T his is a dark and evil room. The roof is low, a deep pit expells huge sheets of flame from below. The air is hot and dry. Looking into the pit you see a swirling pool of magma. Y ou in the empty stables next to the smithy to the east. The sickly smell of damp hay hangs in the air. A narrow stonestair leads steeply down into the darkness. 1 T he hill you are on is bleak 1 T he gardens; frost cakes the 1 T he cellar is dark and musty 1 T he castle stands before you. The dark, almost black stone walls are smooth and solid. A strange convulsive shivering comes over you - this is no 1 T he air is warm and smoky in 1 Lightmare.": 1 Hundreds of sharp eyes watch your every move." 1 H uge pillars surround you as 1 H ere is a rutted road in the 1 B efore you is a well built 1 An unlit lantern A leather parchment An ivory talisman An empty crate 1 A vial of liquid A mouldy bone 1 A small chest 1 A lit lantern 1 A large human skull A sparkling ruby A large rock 1 A heavy anvil 1 A gold coin 1 A fine bronze key 1 A decayed corpse A tattered book 1 A copper penny 1 A chill wind whistles through 1 A bucket of water A horseshoe 1 A broken knife 1 westwaitwalkw windwritwatewomawavewigh